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How Do I Enable The Preset Temperature Modes In My Presrv™ Refrigerator Drawers?

Pressing the Preset Temperature Mode buttons for Product, Beverage, or Wine will activate their preset temperature setting. Their respective LED indicator will illuminate, and the display window will flash 5 times before the temperature sets.

The default temperature for each preset temperature can be adjusted by pressing the Increase or Decrease Temperature buttons while the display is flashing. The default temperature and
adjustable temperature range is listed below for each mode.

If the preset temperature mode is enabled, pressing the Increase or Decrease Temperature buttons will exit the preset temperature mode, allowing manual control over the temperature.

NOTE: For dual zone models, pressing one of the preset temperature modes once will activate
the upper zone, and the upper zone display flash 5 times before the temperature sets.
Pressing one of the preset temperature modes again while the display is flashing will
enable that mode for the lower zone.

Preset Temperature Mode Temperatures

Produce Mode

  • Default temperature: 39ºF
  • Adjustable temperature range: 36ºF - 41ºF

Beverage Mode

  • Default temperature: 34ºF
  • Adjustable temperature range: 34ºF - 40ºF

Wine Mode

  • Default temperature: 50ºF
  • Adjustable temperature range: 40ºF - 65ºF

NOTE: The refrigerator drawers is equipped with a memory function. If power is suddenly lost, the previous setting will be saved, and the refrigerator drawers will return to this setting once power is restored.

For more information on the other settings in the refrigerator drawers control panel, read our article, How To Use The Presrv™ Refrigerator Drawers Control Panel.

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